Getting Started

About the WATERROWER Community

Discover why over 70,000 rowers worldwide have joined WATERROWER | NOHRD!

Discover why over 70,000 rowers worldwide have joined WATERROWER | NOHRD!

By opting in, you can connect with fellow rowers, share your progress, and enjoy features like leaderboards and rankings that add an extra layer of motivation to your workouts.

Leaderboards and Rankings

Challenge yourself by comparing your performance with others in the community. Whether it’s total distance rowed or other metrics, leaderboards let you see how you stack up over different timeframes.

Share Your Achievements

Celebrate your workout milestones by sharing them within the community. This feature is entirely optional, so you can decide what to share based on your comfort level.

Privacy You Control

We respect your privacy. You have full control over what is visible to others. You can adjust your privacy settings on the Setting page of your WATERROWER Connect app to ensure that you're comfortable with the information being displayed on the community platform.

Joining the community is entirely optional, but it’s a great way to stay inspired, motivated, and connected!