How to

Using Apple Watch with WATERROWER Connect

To enhance your experience, WATERROWER Connect seamlessly integrates with the Apple Watch to track and display heart rate data during your rowing sessions.

To enhance your experience, WATERROWER Connect seamlessly integrates with the Apple Watch to track and display heart rate data during your rowing sessions.

Getting Started:
The Apple Watch App is automatically installed when installing WATERROWER Connect on your iPhone.

Activating the App:
As you start a rowing session, the Apple Watch app will automatically launch, ensuring your heart rate data is ready to be monitored and displayed on the session screen.

During your workout, the Apple Watch communicates your heart rate data directly to WATERROWER Connect. This information is displayed on the session screen, allowing you to monitor your heart rate in real-time and adjust your workout intensity as needed.

Access to Apple Health:
To enable heart rate tracking, WATERROWER Connect needs access to Apple Health. You can connect to Apple Health by following the steps outlined in the "Synchronise to Apple Health" article available in our Knowledge Base.